The Jealous Guys – Audiobook EP

The cats who brought to our attention that San Francisco is Brainwashed by London released their 4 track Audiobook EP last month and it’s starting to get into the dangerous overplayed territory on my iPod. While I would’ve liked more tracks on the release, the project reflects a lot of time and effort put into its creation. Production comes courtesy of Jeremy “Zodiac” Rose, who handled most of The Weeknd‘s acclaimed House of Balloons. It’s refreshing to hear his somber cinematic beats be used for displaying lyrical talent rather than provoking Abel Tesfaye’s whining. BizYCasa and Ayinde stick true to their forte of superior writing ability, delicately weaving you through metaphors that’ll get you pausing the song. | (Don’t go dyin’ on me kid/Cause life is too grand fam, even before your kids have two kids) | This is more than just beats and rhymes — it’s thoughtful writing that displays a deeper appreciation for musicianship. It really is an audio book, especially considering all four songs will eventually be accompanied by music videos that should be appreciated in their own right (hit the jump for the two completed videos). #LifeInsomniac is the movement — don’t sleep on life. I can dig it. Make that first move today, not tomorrow. YOLO

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The Jealous Guys – Audiobook EP | DOWNLOAD (Mediafire)

The Jealous Guys | Audiobook by 3qtr

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