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Alright I’ve been lagging on doing this, but it’s pretty much festival season and I’m sure everyone would want to know where they’re going sooner than later. I’m just as excited for IDentity Fest as anything! I was about to pay the full $60 just so I could see Kaskade and Pretty Lights before they had the $20 sale. I’m bummed they didn’t have one of the dates in Irvine like they originally planned, but I have a good feeling about Chula Vista’s. We have a few tickets up for grabs and if you don’t want to pay the full price of the show, here’s how you can win one:


1) Go and “Like” our facebook and shoot us a follow on twitter.
You can do both on the right side of this page
2) This week’s topic! Name that caption! Come up with your best caption for this picture and @Tag your friends
3) The comment with the most “Likes” by the end of each week gets a ticket

Week 1 Winner!!

Miguel Haro

Pretty simple right? I’ll be announcing each winner on the upcoming Sunday YOLO lists before the event. Each week will have a different topic to comment on, so keep your eyes peeled on Facebook and Twitter! The more people you tag the more likes you’ll get on your comment, so don’t let up and GOOD LUUUUUCKKKK! Let’s party on the 2nd.

Buy Tickets