A Delightful Welcome

Hello everybody!

So I’ve been putting this off for way too long, and I’ve missed genuine opportunities to give you all music and information about events and artists you should know about if you don’t already. Run-on sentences aside, this stops now.

Initially I wanted to write for a good friend of mine’s blog at DSCOTECH. There were no big problems. In fact, I was pumped given the opportunity, because he’s got a really good thing going. I highly recommend following his blog also for extra electronic music needs. The only problem was that I didn’t want to be restricted to any one genre.

Here at C+A+D my goal is to give and keep giving ’til there’s nothing left to give. Whether it be music; or information on where to get tickets to a concert; or information about a concert (like who you should look out for); or information on album/track releases .. the list goes on. There won’t be any limits here. From electronic to indie to hardcore to hiphop to disco to country, I don’t discriminate by genre. If it’s good, it’ll be up here, and you’re going to know about it whether you like it or not.

That being said, welcome. I hope you find use in this site, because I’m gonna put some quality time into it. Music is everything to me, so I hope to transfer at least some of the love and happiness it brings me everyday. Feel free to email me with requests and questions.