The last day of Outside Lands is almost underway! Can’t say I’m going to miss the cramped hotel room we stuffed in, but it’s always tough to leave SF. With that I bring you my 108th weekly playlist. I told my yoga-teacher-cousin how I’ve been doing this, and he explained to me the significance of the number 108. It’s a very sacred number in Hinduism and Budhism. It’s supposed to represent the ultimate reality of the universe simultaneously being one (1), nothing (0), and everything (8, infinite). Pretty cool! I love that kinda stuff. The most interesting thing I found out about it (and you can look this up): the distance from the Earth to the Sun divided by the Sun’s diameter is approximately 108. Same with the moon… He just stressed how great it was that I’ve stayed consisted for this long and how now these lists are now a part of me. I feel it! Enjoy #108: