Artist Spotlight: Beat Radio

It’s surprising that Long Island one-man-show-turned-five-piece Beat Radio isn’t a more prominent face in the indie scene. An ultra-palateable blend of folk and indie electronica, Beat Radio paints a landscape you wouldn’t mind crawling into and getting lost in for a while. The electronic progressions and digital beats hardly overwhelm the music, rather subtly enhance it. The vocals are what ultimately win you over, in a soul-healing sort of way reminiscent of folk-outfits such as Blind Pilot. They’ve released three albums and an EP, each track uniquely delicious and eclectic, perhaps most beautiful when it’s stripped from its electronica sensibility and left only to its natural devices–a guitar and a voice. Check them out below and if you like what you hear, check out their site where they offer more free music (a difficult offer to pass up).

Free Samples

Memoir of a Lightning BoltAlbum: Safe Inside the Sound

Stranger FlowersAlbum: Safe Inside the Sound

Hard Times For DreamersAlbum: Safe Inside the Sound

Golden AgeAlbum: Golden Age