Album Blurb: The Love Language-Libraries

It’s a story sappier than a Turkish soap opera but realer than Jersey Shore: messy breakup leads to heartbreak, leads to drinking binge, leads to epiphany. In the case of Capulets frontman Stuart McLamb, such an epiphany lead to the formation of a kickass band. The agonizing honesty of McLamb’s lyrics is probably how The Love Language managed to avoid the sophomore slump with “Libraries”, the followup of their 2009 debut “The Love Language.” Despite the heartbreak of McLamb’s lyrics, The Love Language offers a of 1960s-eque sort of energy you can’t help but wiggle to.
Ch-ch-check it out.

Appeals to fans of: Dinosaur Feathers, Arcade Fire, Surfer Blood , Small Black, Harlem



1. Pedals
2. Brittany’s Back
3. This Blood Is Our Own
4. Summer Dust
5. Blue Angle
6. Heart to Tell
7. Anthophobia
8. Horophones
9. Willmont
10. This Room

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