[INDIE] Ramesh Srivastava Goes Solo

If Ramesh Srivastava’s name was easier to remember/spell I probably would have Googled him a long, long time ago to find out whatever the hell happened to him. Back in the day, Ramesh was the frontman/genius of Austin’s Voxtrot. Though still relatively lesser known or underrated, Voxtrot remain an important staple in my music library. They sounded like the beautiful offspring of Belle and Sebastian and the Smiths. After the band broke up, I assumed that was it for Ramesh. In interviews, he had talked about phases of disinterest with indie music. He studied literature in school, which is probably why his lyrics are a wonder in themselves. That is to say, I thought Ramesh and music were 1-800-donzo but thankfully I was wrong. Ramesh has still got it, making music now under his given name. You can stream it here. DO IT. Please. Treat yourself.

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Voxtrot – Whiskey