Guilty pleasures are a part of life. They’re those things you’ll occasionally come across and just can’t decide or even understand why it is you enjoy it. You just do. But you don’t necessarily want other people to know that you do. Witler’s Guilty Pleasures will introduce you to the artists you wouldn’t hear me talking about in public. Listen at your own discretion.

Michigan native Alex Winston is the musical equivalent to banana chips–you really can’t decide how you feel about it so you just keep munching (/listening) to figure out what the deal is. It’s difficult to figure out whether you find her sound is ridiculously obnoxious or deliciously catchy. But somehow the combo of these two sentiments makes her music something you’ll listen to when no one else is in the room…cause you kinda sorta secretly like it. Her lyrics are strange to say the least, thus wedging this further and further into the guilty category. I don’t know what a “sister wife” is but it sounds like it’s somewhere between incest and polygamy, so if taboo is your thing this is right up your alley. Her jittery angst gives her a sort of Ellie-Goulding-from-another-planet sort of vibe but also sounds like the kind of thing Star Slinger would have a field day with. After a few listens it just might be something you wouldn’t mind squishing into the recesses of your iTunes library. I for one, am guilty as charged.

Sister Wife
The Cave (Mumford & Sons cover)